UK DfT Ground Security Supervisor (GSS) Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (Recurrent)

Acquire mastery in security legislation implementation & supervision skills as a UK DfT Ground Security Supervisor with our expert-led training course.
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  • 1 The Role of the Supervisor
  • 2 Compliance with Regulations
  • 3 Response to Security Incidents
  • 4 Security Equipment
  • 5 Searching Persons and Carried Items
  • 7 Searching Checking Aircraft (Interior)

Course aims & objectives

Course overview:
Our course is based on the UK DfT syllabus, for ground security supervisors to learn about the context and requirements within which they will operate. Delivered by experienced instructors that have first-hand experience across the industry, so delegates will leave the courses having a full understanding of legislation and how to effectively implement it into their own aviation entities.

Course Aims:
To provide the Supervisors of Ground Security Operative sat an airport with the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Course Objectives:
For Supervisors to learn how to be an effective Ground Security Supervisor.

This course includes the following modules:
Module 1 The Role of the Supervisor
Module 2 Compliance with Regulations
Module 3 Response to Security Incidents
Module 4 Security Equipment
Module 5 Searching Persons and Items Carried
Module 7 Searching/Checking Aircraft

Provision of this training is mandatory/ recommended for any operative employed to supervise any of the activities listed below at a UK airport:
a. controlling access points to Airside, Security Restricted Area (SRA)and Critical Part of the Security Restricted Areas (CPSRA), including vehicle control posts;
b .preparing people for security checks (e.g. the x-ray loader)
c. screening of baggage (cabin and hold) and items carried, including searching by hand
d. screening and searching of airport supplies
e. searching by hand of passengers and staff
f. using Liquids Testing Equipment
g. using Explosive Trace Detection (ETD)
h. screening and searching by Security Scanners, Walk Through Metal Detectors (WTMDs) or Hand Held Metal Detectors(HHMDs) of passengers and staff
i. searching and/ or patrolling the SRA and CPSRA
j. searching/ protection of aircraft.

Instructional techniques:
PowerPoint Presentations and group discussions
Practical - Demonstration and learner practice with coaching
Interactive Group exercises

Assessment methods:
Assessment under this syllabus must comply with the Ground Security Operative Assessment Strategy, which includes details of classroom training gateway and on the job competency assessments.
This will include:
Question and answer recap session (at the end of each module)
Recap session (at the end of each day)
Written assessment with Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
Practical assessments

Persons operating x-ray, Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) and / or Computer Tomography (CT) EDS equipment must pass, and repass at intervals of at least 13 months, the National X-ray Competency Test (NXCT). The results of such testing must be provided to the trainee.