DNXCT - Digital National X-Ray Competency Test

Certification for UK X-Ray/EDS screeners with DNXCT: The modern online replacement for NXCT, now covering 3D imaging & various environments
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Course aims & objectives

DNXCT is the standardised image interpretation test used for the certification of x-ray/EDS screeners in the UK, it is the replacement for NXCT. DNXCT covers a wider range of operational environments and reflects current screening technologies such as 3D imaging.
DNXCT is on-line based, this means that it is accessed via a web browser on a PC or Mac. Browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox are all compatible with DNXCT, however must be monitored by an invigilator. Our classroom sessions can accommodate up to 5 people per session.

There are seven tests available under the DNXCT:
Cabin Baggage 2D Screening (test also used for Airport Supplies)
Cabin Baggage 3D Screening (test also used for Airport Supplies)
Hold Baggage 2D Screening
Hold Baggage 3D Screening
Cargo and Mail 2D Screening
Cargo and Mail 3D Screening
In-Flight Supplies 2D Screening

All tests and certificates are available through the CAA's DNXCT software.

Following initial certification, re-certification must take place no later than 13 months from the initial certification date.

Contact us to discuss putting on bespoke dates at our Training Centre in Heathrow.