Course aims & objectives
Overview of the course:
This course is designed to provide persons who screen In-Flight Supplies with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective screening. Also to provide those supervising and managing persons carrying out screening or other applying security controls for In-Flight Supplies with the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective security by the relevant legislation.
Modules and On-Job Training requirements:
As part of initial training, any person who will be trained under In-Flight Supplies syllabuses must receive on-the-job training (OJT) for the following modules:
Module 7 - Visual Check
Module 8 - Handsearch
Module 12 - Final Search
Screening modules will be covered in line with job requirements
Delivery method:
This course is an Instructor-led session using PowerPoint, training aids, recap sessions, group discussions/activities, and videos.
At the end of each module, there will be a group question-and-answer recap session.
Frequency/Target audience:
This course is delivered every two weeks and can be requested ad hoc depending on availability and location.
Once initial training has been completed, recurrent training for all persons who carry out screening activities is required at least every 24 months
Provision of this training is mandatory for any person employed to carry out any of the activities listed below:
Persons implementing screening of In-Flight Supplies
The person supervising the persons implementing security controls for In-Flight Supplies
Learner self-declaration for specific learning difficulties/barriers:
Learners will be provided with a link if they want to declare any learning difficulties or barriers such as English is not their first language. This should be submitted as early as possible to allow the trainer sufficient time to make reasonable adjustments.