Health and Safety Awareness

Enhance workplace safety with our Health and Safety Awareness course. Gain essential knowledge and skills to promote a secure and healthy work environment.
£32.50 exc. VAT
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  • Module 1 - Legal responsibilities
  • Module 2 - Accidents
  • Module 3 - Fire
  • Module 4 - Electricity
  • Module 5 - Manual handling
  • Module 6 - The workplace & welfare facilities
  • Module 7 - Safety signs
  • Module 8 - COSHH
  • Module 9 - First Aid

Course aims & objectives

The Health and Safety Awareness training course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of key health and safety principles and practices. This course is essential for anyone working in any industry, as it equips participants with the necessary knowledge to identify hazards, prevent accidents, and promote a safe working environment.

The course covers the following modules:

Legal Responsibilities: This module focuses on the legal framework surrounding health and safety in the workplace. Participants will gain an understanding of their legal duties and responsibilities as employees and employers, ensuring compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.

Accidents: Participants will learn about the common causes of workplace accidents and how to prevent them. This module emphasizes the importance of hazard identification, risk assessment, and implementing control measures to reduce accidents and injuries.

Fire: This module provides essential knowledge on fire safety, including fire prevention, evacuation procedures, and the use of firefighting equipment. Participants will learn how to respond effectively in the event of a fire emergency and promote a fire-safe workplace.

Electricity: This module covers the hazards associated with electrical systems and equipment in the workplace. Participants will learn about electrical safety precautions, including safe use, maintenance, and inspection of electrical devices to prevent electrical accidents and shocks.

Manual Handling: This module focuses on safe manual handling techniques to prevent musculoskeletal injuries. Participants will learn about correct lifting and carrying techniques, risk assessment for manual handling tasks, and the use of mechanical aids to reduce the risk of injury.

The Workplace & Welfare Facilities: Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of a safe and healthy workplace environment. This module covers topics such as workspace design, ventilation, lighting, temperature control, and welfare facilities to ensure a comfortable and safe working environment for all employees.

Safety Signs: Participants will learn how to interpret and understand safety signs and symbols commonly found in the workplace. This module emphasizes the importance of recognizing and following safety signs to prevent accidents and promote a culture of safety.

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health): This module focuses on the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances in the workplace. Participants will learn about risk assessment, control measures, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with hazardous substances.

First Aid: This module provides an overview of basic first aid principles and practices. Participants will learn how to respond to common workplace injuries and medical emergencies, including CPR, wound care, and the use of first aid kits.

The Health and Safety Awareness training course empowers participants to prioritize safety in the workplace and fulfill their legal responsibilities. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of key health and safety topics, participants will be equipped to identify hazards, implement control measures, and promote a culture of safety within their organizations. Join this course to enhance your health and safety knowledge and contribute to a safe and healthy working environment.